Acción fértil, (2018)

Acción Fértil 2018. Installation for performance, time-based work. Seven books, seven volcanic rocks, string.

Acción Fértil 2018. Installation for performance, time-based work. Seven books, seven volcanic rocks, string.

Ice, volcanic rock, poem. Time-based work.

Ice, volcanic rock, poem. Time-based work.

Process for Acción Fértil. Installation in natural pond with string. 2018.

Acción fértil (Fertile Action) 2018, is a research-based project composed of site-specific installations, time-based experiments, interviews, derives, text appropriations, and ephemeral gestures. These exercises evolved into a poem titled llamado / acción fértil. Written during the process of these acts, the poem unearths different voices that reveal conceptual, social and religious tensions, which ultimately reflect the mythological memory of a microgeography: a natural pond in the Pueblo de La Candelaria of Santa Cruz in the outskirts of Mexico City.

A performative trajectory and a process of documentary poetics, the project creates a force-field, a meditation that stands somewhere in between geological and “historical” consciousness. Concerned with a local issue regarding the crises of water in La Candelaria, Acción Fértil addresses a universal problem: the individual’s relationship to water and knowledge today.

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Acción Fértil, 2018. Video installation on volcanic rock, seven blocks of ice with poem and rocks. Video 02:03 mins on loop. The duration of the piece was measured by the time it took the ice to melt.

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Post-performance installation. Seven books and string.

I started this project during a research residency called SATELLITE, a DARE-DARE initiative interested in artistic creation for public space and open to the participation of specific communities. This residency lasted 6 weeks and took place at La Quiñonera in Mexico City.