duelo de viento | windgrief, (2016 - 2017)
Photo: Natalia Gaia.
I’ve been developing an extensive body of work that includes sound, photography, video, and text. The basis of this project is to deconstruct The Waste Land—T.S Eliot’s iconic poem published in 1922— and dissolve its patriarchal resonance by rethinking the failure of modernity through the exploration of a feminist perspective of the poem.
I transcribed, printed, and separated the pages into five sections (The Burial of the Dead, A Game of Chess, The Fire Sermon, and Death by Water.) Each printed section would be left in different parts of the landscape of Mexico’s countryside except the last section, What the Thunder Said, which I always kept in my notebook or wallet. During one year, I visited these spaces as a form of ritual, once a month. During my 12 visits, from April 2nd, 2016 to April 2nd, 2017, I recorded sound, filmed and photographed the text’s stage of transformation. The one year gesture aims at eroding the potency of the modernist hymn. Through its material deformation, the symbolic, ideological and poetic import are transmuted, vanishing and reconfiguring new possibilities of meaning.