archive from selected performances 2021 - 2017


Radio Nopal / 27 mayo 2021 / Lucía Hinojosa, Mabe Fratti & Jarrett Gilgore. Foto: Rafael Arriaga Zazueta.

Photo by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta.

Nostalgia Café / 16 sept 2020 / Café Trevi Mexico City. Photo by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta.

Performance with Alda Arita & Geox Alí at Café Trevi in Alameda Central, Mexico City.

Performance with Alda Arita & Geox Alí at Café Trevi in Alameda Central, Mexico City.

February 27 | ENCLAVE Poéticas Rituales, Centro Cultural de España, Mexico City.

Photo by No Land.

Photo by No Land.

Photo by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta. Performance with musician Devin Brahja Waldman.

Photo by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta. Performance with musician Devin Brahja Waldman.

Photo by No Land.

Photo by No Land.

Photo by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta.

Photo by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta.

January 27 | Radio Niágara, Mexico City. Sound and text improvisation with Geox Ali.

Photo by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta.

Photo by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta.


:: performances :: collaborations :: readings ::


November 13 | Maraña Micro Fest, Bucareli 69, Mexico City

Improv with Natalia Pérez Turner & Adriana Camacho

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Photos by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta

Photos by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta

November 07 | Ciclo Sonoro | Sala de Arte Público Siqueiros, Mexico City.

Performance with Adriana Camacho. Curated by Adriana Melchor.

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Photos by Diego Gerard

Photos by Diego Gerard

Radio Niágara. Improv with Klaus Sour.

Photo by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta.

Photo by Rafael Arriaga Zazueta.

Radio Rufino at Museo Tamayo, Mexico City. Performance with Adriana Camacho as part of the Radio Nopal takeover, an invitation by Alí Cotero and Clara Bolívar.

Photos by Lorena Tabares.

Photos by Lorena Tabares.

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April 4 | diSONARE Reading at Berl’s Poetry, Brooklyn, NY.


Alice Attie

Luna Montenegro & Adrian Fisher

Rocío Cerón & Abraham Chavelas 

Christopher Rey Pérez 

Jarrett Earnest 

George Lee Moore

Nick Herman 

Lucía Hinojosa & Devin Brahja Waldman

Framed by Poetry Month, diSONARE put together a gathering of Mexican and international poets and performers from current and past issues. Since its beginnings in 2013, diSONARE sought to create an editorial platform for voices who are diverse, and where a dialogue between the intellectual and the spontaneous connects a community of poets, translators, theorists and writers from Mexico and abroad.

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:::: performances :: collaborations :: readings ::::


December 13 | Performance at Terraza Monstruo

mantra (composition of the human body) with musicians Adriana Camacho (double bass) and Roberto Martínez (sax) at Terraza Monstruo, Colonia Centro, Mexico City. Materials: Overhead projector, xray, film slides, double bass, sax, poem, voice. Photos by Lorena Tabares.

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Variaciones lunares with musicians Adriana Camacho (double bass) and Roberto Martínez (sax) at Terraza Monstruo, Colonia Centro, Mexico City. Materials: Overhead projector, moon-scores printed in acetate, marker, double bass, sax, voice. Photos by Lorena Tabares.

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13 January | Variations on Language | Centro Cultural del Bosque, Mexico City.

Performance “Variaciones Lunares” with musician Adriana Camacho (double bass). Materials: Overhead projector, moon-scores printed in acetate & marker, double bass, text, voice.

Photos by Lorena Tabares.

Photos by Lorena Tabares.


Performing llamado / acción fértil with Lázaro Valiente. Neón, curated by Tilsa Otta at Entresuelo, Galería Los 14, Colonia San Rafael, Mexico City. Materials: Drums, water, plastic carboy, candles.

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llamado / acción fértil with Lázaro Valiente. Materials: Drums, water, candle, plastic carboy. Gabinete Salvaje, Casa Tajín, Colonia Narvarte, Mexico City.



Vortex #2 (Rotations on Resistance). Performing the instruction-poems Rotations on Resistance in collaboration with Lázaro Valiente. Materials: Canvas, charcoal, paper, HD video projection, wind instruments, drums. At Festival ENCLAVE 2018 Poéticas Visuales. Centro Cultural de España, Centro Histórico, Mexico City. Thanks to Rocío Cerón and Abraham Chavelas.


March 3rd |

Vortex #1 (or the impossibility of representing circular movement). Performance based on the instruction-poems Rotations on Resistance. Materials: HD video projection, charcoals, canvas. Performance at Talismán de Motolinia, Festival ENCLAVE 2018 Poéticas Visuales, Centro Histórico, Mexico City. Thanks to Emiliano Vázquez Massimini.

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November 14 | Hurakán (from the etymology hun (one) akán (on one leg))

Performance with Montenegrofisher (Luna Montenegro and Adrian Fisher) at Simulacra Experimental Performance and Poetry, Bucareli 69, Colonia Juárez, Mexico City. Materials: trumpet, water, HD video projection.  

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